Women for Women exists to mobilize compassionate women to support our sisters in need by equipping women both locally and globally to not only survive, but thrive!

Executive Board Chairman
Jennifer has been married to her husband Brent for nearly 30 years, and together they counsel couples who need marital support. They have two children - a son who recently graduated college and a daughter who is a college senior. Jen serves as the Chairperson at Women for Women. Jennifer’s passion and vision for serving Women for Women lies squarely on supporting women to live freely, to support women so that they can thrive in their life circumstances and to find their passion and make their unique mark on our world.

Executive Board Treasurer
Michelle is a wife and mom to two children. Recently, Michelle homeschools her daughter, and her son proudly serves in the NYPD. She has a background in social work as well as child and family services. Serving as the treasurer at Women for Women, Michelle is always so encouraged by people’s generosity toward the mission. Michelle’s advocacy stems from the knowledge that supporting women who are enduring hardships or in crisis increases their chance of long term success – not only for her, but for her family and for generations to come. Michelle’s great passion is bridging the gap between women in need and available resources to help them thrive.

Executive Board Secretary
Lauren and her husband have two children, a son in college and a daughter in high school. Her work as a Senior Team Lead for NTT DATA has prepared her well to serve as the WFW secretary. For many years, Lauren felt overwhelmed by the needs around her and felt unsure of where her focus should be. What she loves about Women for Women is that she gets to help so many wonderful organizations that do great work to equip women. Whether WFW is supporting a woman around the world or across the street, Lauren is passionate to create change and bring hope. Gathering compassionate women who want to give generously and educate themselves about the needs of women has been such a joy for Lauren, and she especially loves working alongside her daughter as she serves on the youth board.

Lauren is currently a senior, rowing and studying at Liberty University. She plans to study medicine because she has always felt called to help others. Lauren is so excited to be part of this organization, and so grateful to be able to make a difference in the lives of others around the world.

Eva is a homeschooled 11th grader who is also taken some college classes. She enjoys hanging with family and friends doing all types of activities. She is glad to be a part of WFW because it allows her to help raise awareness for women living in difficult situations. Eva loves being involved in something that makes real changes in the lives of women and girls.

Emma is a junior at Smithtown Christian School who enjoys music, traveling, writing, and shopping. She’s been with WFW since its launch and loves participating in this important work. She is very passionate about being good stewards of what God has given us and helping those in need, whether that be through raising awareness, advocacy, or fundraising.

Angelina is currently a Junior at Harborfields High School. She enjoys swimming competitively, and being with her family. She loves being a part of women for women because it gives her the opportunity to contribute to meaningful causes and organizations that focus on women’s issues, education, health, and empowerment. She wants to make an impact and raise awareness for women who are struggling.

​Antonia is a sophomore at Harborfields High School and a dedicated competitive swimmer. She is proud to be involved with Women for Women, as it gives her the opportunity to raise awareness for women facing challenging circumstances. Antonia joined the organization to contribute to its meaningful work and witness the incredible impact it has on women overcoming hardships. She is passionate about making a difference and is eager to provide support and create positive change in the lives of women.